I was awarded this title by my friend Abigail who has spent many evenings at Shelter Cove whether it was to bring or pick up Madeline from a spend the night with the girls, to eat dinner and play cards, which has now turned into Dominoes, to go through Corn Mazes, or for whatever reasons. Abigail I am so thankful for the friendship that we share, our children share, and our husbands share. We have had so much fun since we have moved up to the North GA mountains. There are many things that you and I have in common like loving the color green, shopping, UGA Go DAWGS!, TJ Maxx stores, our dislike of cooking and speaking our minds. But we have many differences to mellow out the likes. You are much more organized than I will ever be and I just have to accept that. You love your coffee and Hazelnut creamer and I will stick to my sweet tea. With the likes and differences I am so glad that God brought you and your family into our lives. Our life would not be the same without you!
Along with this award I'm instructed with a few rules as follows:
1. Thank and link back to the blogger that gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award on to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.
7 Things about myself:
1. I am a nerd and I love school. At the end of 2011 I will have graduated with my fourth degree from four different schools: Young Harris College, Georgia Southern University, Piedmont College, and University of Georgia. That is also why I am a chemistry teacher so I can hopefully help others learn to love school (if only right).
2. I love the color green. I know most people think that means you love money but that is not the case. I like green because it represents living things. I do have a biology degree after all. I as well am a green person ( as some would say a tree hugger). I will dig plastic out of someones trash to recycle it. Sometimes I have to drive 20 minutes to take my recycling off or I take it with me to Athens when I go to class. If only all towns could have recycling centers like the ones on campus. I love to plant new trees. We are fans of Arbor Day and get a shipment of trees each year. When the girls were born and when we got married we planted a tree in Statesboro.
3. I love mission trips. My first mission trip was to Juarez Mexico during my first year at YHC. Rev Whitley made a huge impact on my life as well at Costa Por Cristo which is the ministry we built houses through. We built two houses within a week. God is good! The 2nd and 3rd mission trip that I went on was through my church PPUMC to Barahrona Domican Republic. I went there in 2001 and 2003. This was a medical mission trip. My team treated around 1200 people in several days. I learned so much about being the hands and feet of God during those trips. I can't wait to go do more mission work.
4. I want to go to Ireland and Switzerland one day. Don't ask me why those two specific places. Maybe Ireland because of all the green. Switzerland I always wanted to ski well enough to ski on the Alps. Hopefully I will get to one day.
5. I love the beach. All parts of the beach. I love the way the sand and sun tan lotion smell, the sound of the waves crashing, digging for sand dollars, finding shells, taking walks, reading a good book, and the relaxation of it all. I miss living an hour from Tybee but now I have the mountains and snow instead. I love it too!
6. I love love to read. This has not always been the case. The first time I learned to love reading was in the 3rd grade. I finally found a series that I loved. It was the Box car children, Nancy Drew mysteries and the Bopsy Twins. Now I read all the time. I got a gift card for Christmas to Barnes and Noble so I can go and buy a Nook. I love to exchange books too!
7. I am the daughter of the most High. You see growing up without a father I struggled to learn how to develop relationships with others. I think a father is who is supposed to teach you those things or I think I learned that in psychology class in college. Anyway once I developed my relationship with Jesus I knew that I did not need an earthly father for he was the only father that I need. Don't get me wrong earthly fathers are great. I am married to a great father of my children and they are super blessed but who can be a better father than the father in Heaven.
7 Blog Awards:
1. Sisterly blog awarded to my sister at the O'Dell family. My sister set up my blog when I graduated with my master's degree. Even though I am not as consistent as she is I am thankful for her doing this. love you sis!
2. Lindsey at Random Acts of the Bracketts. She is my reading blog buddy. If I ever want to borrow a book or share a book it is with Lindsey. Now you have to get an e-reader so we can one day share.
3. April at Life in the sham. April has been my longest friend up in the mountains blog. We were reunited after 7 years where we met at YHC. I am so glad God brought her back into my life.
4. Mindy at Ship Shop and Pop Pop: Mindy is my ten of us blog. Mindy has been my friend since the 7th grade and a part of the ten of us from high school. I love to read about her adoption process. Even though she is far away I can keep up with her. love you mindy!
5. Garrett News is the next one: Laura is the master mind blogger. We have yet to have a tutorial but I know when I need one she can help. I love to keep up with Sam and Jack on her blog. She is much more dedicated than I am.
6. Jessica, Mad, and Alex gets the roomate blog award. Jessica was my roomate my 2nd year at YHC. Mad and Haleigh are the same age and Alex and Zoie are close in age too. It is sad that we don't see them more often. We love that family!
7. Black Tag Diaries: Thankful thursday blog award goes to Julia. She is a constant reminder of how thankful I need to be. I love to see all her creative ideas that she has stolen or created. We miss seeing you Julia. Hope Kentucky is good to you!
Staff Features: A Glimpse of Grace
5 years ago
thanks for including me...maybe when i get home, i can respond to your blog. great to learn new things about you. -april